Business logic example

logic blogs

Exploring Business Logic: An Example Introduction In this article, we delve into a real-world business logic example to illustrate how it functions in practice. Through a detailed exploration of a common scenario, we aim to provide insight into the importance and application of business logic in software development. The Example: E-commerce Checkout Process Step 1: … Read more

Business logic vulnerabilities


Introduction In today’s interconnected digital landscape, business logic vulnerabilities pose a significant threat to the security and integrity of software applications. These vulnerabilities, arising from flaws in the logic that governs data processing and decision-making, can lead to serious consequences, including data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. In this article, we delve deep into … Read more

Business logic layer

Business logic layer

Understanding the Essence In software development, the business logic layer serves as a vital component of the architecture, encapsulating the rules, processes, and calculations that drive business operations. It acts as the intermediary between the user interface and the data layer, orchestrating the flow of data and ensuring that business rules are enforced consistently. The … Read more